There’s One Failsafe Solution To All Common POS Problems. Pick the Right POS Partner.

19 May 2023

When it comes to tech, every business owner has more or less the same basic wish list. You want solutions that make a difference and add value to your business. You also want technology to be reliable, so it works when you need it to work, without hassle. And you want tech to work for your people.

These are the things we can take as a given every time a client approaches us looking for a POS solution. They expect high uptime and resilient, efficient performance. They want system that is easy enough to help staff process sales (and a lot more besides these days) quickly and, again, efficiently. They need a POS solution that pays for itself and more, not just in the value of sales it racks up, but the contribution it makes to the customer experience.

But nearly every customer we speak to has experienced problems with POS systems at some point. Problems that meant their POS wasn’t reliable, wasn’t intuitive and efficient to use, didn’t add the value expected or hoped for.

The details of these issues are also often remarkably similar. If we were to categorise them, 90% would sit comfortably in the following:

  • The POS system we had just wasn’t a good fit for what we needed: There are lots of off-the-shelf POS solutions out there. But off-the-shelf also often means one-size-fits-all. You get a generic product designed to do the basics for everyone, but offering little in the way of specific value-add to anyone.
  • The POS was complicated to use: At the other end of the spectrum, it’s easy to go chasing advanced technologies that sound impressive on paper, but without properly considering usability and the know-how of the people who have to use the POS.
  • We had security issues with our POS: In the age of cloud POS platforms and digital payments, data security has to be an absolute priority. This applies equally to POS hardware and software, to network connections, to access and authorisation. Anything from an open WiFi router to staff not knowing the signs of a phishing attack and inadvertently giving access to sensitive data can leave your business at risk of being compromised by hackers and cybercriminals.
  • The system was unreliable: Poor technical performance with a POS system is usually a sure sign of poor installation, poor staging and configuration of the various component parts, and poor maintenance thereafter.

A POS partner for life

The good news? All of these can be avoided with a single failsafe solution. And that is, choosing the right POS partner. Or, to be more precise, choosing a POS supplier that works with you as a partner, rather than just a vendor.

At AURES, we always work hard to ensure that every POS system we install is not just a set of products plugged in out of the box, but a cohesive solution designed to fit the needs of the individual client. There’s much more to a POS system than just the endpoints you choose or the software you run. Our team takes a hands-on approach to working closely with clients to discover their business and operational needs, and implementing a POS solution that fits.

Part of that involves putting together POS systems that put user and customer experience first. AURES has long been a market leader in the use of touchscreen technology to provide intuitive, agile interfaces that are perfect for navigating today’s sophisticated POS software. From compact yet powerful terminals that can be deployed flexibly in various locations, to mobile POS and kiosks, we are continually innovating to bring products to the market that enhance the CX our clients can deliver.

Finally, our role goes way beyond selling POS equipment. We pride ourselves on the long term relationships we form, with both channel partners and clients. Through extended warranties and customised support, real-time POS monitoring, asset tracking and more, we provide a range of value-added services that ensure POS systems remain secure and in optimum working order, for as long as you need them.

Contact us today to find out more.